倍加福2022年漲價、價格調整通知倍加福2022年價格(gé)調整通知 P+F 2022 Price Adjustment 尊(zūn)敬(jìng)的(de)客戶以及合(hé)作夥(huǒ)伴: Dear customers and partners, 感謝(xiè)您對P+F 產(chǎn)品長期(qī)以來的認可!對於過去雙方業務的合作與(yǔ)支持(chí),在此表示誠摯的謝意! Thank you for your long-standing recognition of P+F products! We would like to express our sincere thanks foryour cooperation and support in the past! 我司本著質量弟一(yī)。客戶(hù)至上的原則,多(duō)年來為國內客戶提供蒿質量的產品和服務,並且(qiě)獲得廣大客戶的認可 In line with the principle of quality first and customer first, our company has provided high-quality products andservices for many years,and has won the recognition of the majority of our customers. 受全球新冠疫情(qíng)的影響,人(rén)力成本、原材料價格(gé)、物流費用持續上漲,導致我司承(chéng)受了(le)巨大的成本壓力,倍加(jiā)福已為此盡了(le)最大努力,根據以上實際情況,我司不得不(bú)對售價做出調整。 Affected by the global COVID-19 pandemic, labor costs, raw material prices and logistics costs are continuously rising, which has put P+F under great cost pressure while still trying to ensure stable supply.According to the aforementioned situation, we have to adjust our net prices. 所有客戶的銷售淨價格平均漲(zhǎng)幅4.5%,新價格生效日為2022年1月1日. The net prices of all customers will increase by an average of 4.5%.The effective date of the new net pricingis January 1,2022. 衷(zhōng)心感謝您的理解與支持,非常期(qī)特與(yǔ)您繼續合作! Thank you for your understanding and support. We are looking forward to our continuous cooperation withyour company! 順致商(shāng)祺! Sincerely with our best regards! 倍加福P+F 總代理 倍加福P+F上海代理 倍加福P+F 一級代理(lǐ) |